
20 2019

PJ Library Sammy Spider's Showcase

10:00AM - 11:30AM  

JCC on the Cohn Campus 13009 Community Campus Drive
Tampa, FL 33625


Contact Brandy Gold

PJ Library invites you to the SHOWCASE of the season! SAMMY SPIDER will engage our PJ Library friends with story time, crafts, music, and snacks all featured in the High Holiday beloved stories of SAMMY SPIDER! PJ Library featured stories SAMMY SPIDER’S FIRST ROSH HASHANA | SAMMY SPIDER’S FIRST YOM KIPPUR |SAMMY SPIDER’S FIRST SUKKOT | SAMMY SPIDER’S FIRST SIMCHA TORAH

This event is FREE and geared toward all PJ Library friends under 8 years.

RSVP appreciated by October 18, 2019.