Volunteer with #Gather Time: Morning (Exact time TBD)
Participate in Reverse Tashlich, a morning of waterfront clean up and volunteer service. In partnership with the Tampa JCCs & Federation, IMPACT and Tikkun HaYam. To register, please visit https://www.repairthesea.org/reverse-tashlich, and select the Tampa JCCs & Federation to join our team.
#Gather experiences are a mix of social, interactive and hands-on activities designed to help you connect with friends, meet new people and make authentic connections. #Gather is an initiative of the Tampa JCCs & Federation and open to young adults ages 20s, 30s & 40s of all faiths and backgrounds.
Some experiences will be intimate. Some experiences will be designed for niche audiences. Some experiences will take place at the JCCs and others in the community. All of them will be fun! We hope you'll #Gather with us this year.
For more information about #Gather, please contact Lisa Robbins, Executive Director of Programs & Engagement, 813.769.4723 or lisa.robbins@jewishtampa.com