
18 2020

JCC Plugged-In Workshops & One-On-One Support

11:00AM - 12:00PM  

Contact Pnina Levermore

Unless otherwise specified, all programs listed take place on Zoom.  To RSVP or for more information on programs at either center, contact Pnina Levermore at (813) 291-2253 or pnina.levermore@JewishTampa.com.  Registration should be completed prior to event.

Cost: Free

The first half of the workshop focuses on the topic of the day, and the other half is dedicated to one-on-one help.  JCC Plugged-In is where community members connect for answers about tech

devices from tech-savvy professionals; where younger and less-young community members connect in a way that is gratifying to both sides of the experience.

To register contact pnina.levermore@jewishtampa.com