Professional Societies Community Event - Registration for this event is now closed.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
7:00 PM via Zoom | $18 per person
Community event honoring the following individuals for their steadfast commitment to the medical, financial services, entrepreneurial, real estate and legal communities.
Lindsay August
Montefiore Society
Susan Haubenstock
Cardozo Society
Barry Karpay
Real Estate Society
Barry Levine
Maimonides Society
Jonathan Levy
FIBA Entrepreneur Society
A special conversation with Boaz Konforty & Yaakov Zada Daniel stars from the hit TV show FAUDA. If you haven’t seen the show yet, you can start watching it on Netflix immediately and get caught up by March 24. It has received rave reviews.
Register for the event and break out celebrations online or call Loni Lindsay at 813.769.2802.